Monday, March 2, 2015


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This page is designed for common questions and answers.

Please look through the questions already posted here before submitting your own.

email new questions to mrstuartp @ hotmail . com.  We will review your question and post it with its answer here as soon as we can.

Here's to a great trek!

Q:  What Facilities will be available?

A:  We will be generally in the Bone area, on private land,  which has no electricity.  There will be Porta Potties, plenty of drinking water and a commissary to provide the food for each meal.  There will be limited cell service for the adults.

Q:  May I bring my electronic devices?

A:  As we are focusing on the Pioneers of the 1800's, no youth will be allowed to bring any electronic devices.   

No radios, walkmans, gameboys, cell phones, or other electronic devices will be allowed. Cameras will to be necessary for the youth because photographers will work with each family taking pictures that will be available for everyone.

Adults (Ma's and Pa's and staff) are encouraged to keep these type devices to a minimum.

Any adults who temporarily visit the trek should do the same and not give access to any of the youth.

Q:  We have been called as a Ma and Pa.  Can we bring our younger children to the trek with us?

A:  No, you will need to make other arrangements for younger children.

Q: How far will we walk on the trek?

A: Our Ancestors walked 1600 miles from Nauvoo to the Salt Lake Valley.  Our trek will be shorter than that.

The schedule is to push/pull the handcarts to the main cap site Thursday morning, and to trek back out Saturday afternoon.

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